= Gloss = Gloss hides the pain of drawing simple vector graphics behind a nice data type and a few display functions. Gloss uses OpenGL and GLUT under the hood, but you won't have to worry about any of that. Get something cool on the screen in under 10 minutes. Gloss is a fork and cleanup of ANUPlot, which has been used for teaching first year computer science at the [http://cs.anu.edu.au ANU] for the last few years. Its main goal is to allow total beginners to get something working with a minimum of fuss. == Download == === From Hackage === * [http://hackage.haskell.org/package/gloss gloss] * [http://hackage.haskell.org/package/gloss-examples gloss-examples] === With cabal === If you have cabal installed you should be able to do: {{{ cabal update cabal install gloss cabal install gloss-examples }}} === From the darcs repo === The source repos are at http://code.haskell.org/gloss {{{ darcs get http://code.haskell.org/gloss/gloss-stable cd gloss-stable cd library runhaskell Setup configure --user runhaskell Setup build runhaskell Setup install }}} Then again for the `examples` directory in that same repo. == Report a bug == If you have a bug or feature request, please add a [http://trac.haskell.org/gloss/newticket new ticket]. You can also send email to `gloss@ouroborus.net` == Examples == These are some of the examples included in the [http://hackage.haskell.org/package/gloss-examples gloss-examples] package: || Hello || Lifespan || Styrene || Tree || Clock || Zen || || [[Image(WikiStart:gloss-hello-thumb.png)]] || [[Image(WikiStart:gloss-lifespan-thumb.png)]] || [[Image(WikiStart:gloss-styrene-thumb.png)]] || [[Image(WikiStart:gloss-tree-thumb.png)]] || [[Image(WikiStart:gloss-clock-thumb.png)]] || [[Image(WikiStart:gloss-zen-thumb.png)]] || || [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/gloss-stable/examples/Hello/Main.hs code] [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/wiki/images/gloss-hello.png result] || [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/gloss-stable/examples/Lifespan/ code] [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/wiki/images/gloss-lifespan.png result] || [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/gloss-stable/examples/Styrene/ code] [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/wiki/images/gloss-styrene.png result] || [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/gloss-stable/examples/Tree/Main.hs code] [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/wiki/images/gloss-tree.png result] || [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/gloss-stable/examples/Clock/Main.hs code] [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/wiki/images/gloss-clock.png result] || [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/gloss-stable/examples/Zen/Main.hs code] [http://code.haskell.org/gloss/wiki/images/gloss-zen.png result] ||