Custom Query (25 matches)


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Results (16 - 18 of 25)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#26 fixed Fix end of arc condition in arc rendering Ben Lippmeier

With this program:

import Graphics.Gloss
= animate (InWindow "Foo" (800,800) (0,0)) black 
$ \t -> pictures 
       [ color white $ ThickArc (5 * t+ 0.01) (10 * t+ 0.1) 200 100
       , color red   $ ThickArc (5 * t+ 0.01) (10 * t+ 0.1) 250 10
       , color red   $ ThickArc (5 * t+ 0.01) (10 * t+ 0.1) 150 10 ]

The arc ends aren't at the right angle, depending on the value for the total arc length. I expect this is an interaction between the number of draw steps and the total length.

#35 fixed Space leak in timing code Ben Lippmeier

This program leaks 25k/sec

module Main (

import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game

main = 
    playIO (InWindow "glossmem" (500, 500) (0,0)) white 10 0
    (\world -> return (translate (-250) 0 (text $ show world)))
    (\event -> (\world -> return world))
    (\timePassed -> (\world -> return $ world + timePassed))
#36 wontfix Gloss crashes in GHCi under Mountain Lion Ben Lippmeier

This crashes with but GLUT and GLFW with and without -fno-ghci-sandbox.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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