Custom Query (25 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 25)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#20 fixed Use bmp library for loading BMP files Ben Lippmeier

Gloss includes baked in support for loading BMP files, but we don't want to maintain that code separately. We should use the bmp package instead.

#6 fixed Use the circle prim directly in the Clock example Ben Lippmeier

Like it says. We didn't have a Circle prim when this example was originally written.

#15 worksforme Window doesn't refresh under Gnome. Ben Lippmeier

I tried this in a typical Gnome environment, but the window never refreshed and X hogged 100% of the CPU.

import Graphics.Gloss.Game
import Graphics.Gloss
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Debug.Trace

main = do
      let state = St Nothing []
      gameInWindow "Test Game" (1400,1050) (0,0) white 100 state makePicture handleEvent stepWorld

data State = St (Maybe Path) [Picture]
type Segment = ((Float, Float), (Float, Float))

makePicture :: State -> Picture
makePicture (St m xs) = Pictures (maybe xs (\x -> Line x : xs) m)

handleEvent :: Event -> State -> State
handleEvent e st = trace (show e) (handleE e st)

handleE (EventMotion (x,y)) st@(St (Just ps) ss) = St (Just ((x-418,516 - y):ps)) ss -- Here is the offset for a 1/2 window on xmonad
handleE (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Down _ pt@(x,y)) st@(St Nothing ss) = St (Just [pt]) (Translate x y (Text "Down") : ss)
handleE (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Up _ pt@(x,y)) st@(St (Just ps) ss) = St Nothing (Translate x y (Text "up") : Line (pt:ps) : ss)
handleE _ st = st

stepWorld :: Float -> State -> State
stepWorld _ = id
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.