Window doesn't refresh under Gnome.
I tried this in a typical
Gnome environment, but the window never refreshed and X hogged 100% of
the CPU.
import Graphics.Gloss.Game
import Graphics.Gloss
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Debug.Trace
main = do
let state = St Nothing []
gameInWindow "Test Game" (1400,1050) (0,0) white 100 state makePicture handleEvent stepWorld
data State = St (Maybe Path) [Picture]
type Segment = ((Float, Float), (Float, Float))
makePicture :: State -> Picture
makePicture (St m xs) = Pictures (maybe xs (\x -> Line x : xs) m)
handleEvent :: Event -> State -> State
handleEvent e st = trace (show e) (handleE e st)
handleE (EventMotion (x,y)) st@(St (Just ps) ss) = St (Just ((x-418,516 - y):ps)) ss -- Here is the offset for a 1/2 window on xmonad
handleE (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Down _ pt@(x,y)) st@(St Nothing ss) = St (Just [pt]) (Translate x y (Text "Down") : ss)
handleE (EventKey (MouseButton LeftButton) Up _ pt@(x,y)) st@(St (Just ps) ss) = St Nothing (Translate x y (Text "up") : Line (pt:ps) : ss)
handleE _ st = st
stepWorld :: Float -> State -> State
stepWorld _ = id
Change History (5)
Component: |
Unknown →
Priority: |
normal →
Milestone: |
Version: | →
Resolution: |
→ worksforme
Status: |
new →
Works for me with a standard Ubuntu 10.10 install in a Parallels VM. I've added the drawing application to the examples as gloss-draw.