Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2 Fix popping of thick circles when zooming lifespan example defect normal Rendering
#13 Text does not appear in the expected place defect normal Rendering
#21 Avoid re-creating textures during each frame enhancement normal Rendering
#23 Add gloss-field package to render 2D bitmaps enhancement normal Unknown
#24 GLFW-b doesn't reset resolution if the user function throws an exception defect normal Unknown
#9 Add input / game mode enhancement normal API
#17 Add circleSolid function enhancement normal Unknown
#18 Documentation typo defect normal Unknown
#19 Need an easier way to load image files enhancement normal Unknown
#35 Space leak in timing code defect normal 1.8.0 Unknown
#37 Gloss uses 100% cpu with display mode defect normal 1.8.0 Unknown
#41 Thick circles have wrong con(vex/cave) depending on thickness. defect normal 1.8.0 Unknown
#25 Add IO derivatives of the play, simulate, and animate actions enhancement normal 1.7.0 Unknown
#26 Fix end of arc condition in arc rendering defect blocker 1.7.0 Rendering
#7 Support fullscreen mode enhancement low 1.4.0 User Interface
#20 Use bmp library for loading BMP files enhancement normal 1.4.0 Rendering
#22 Delete key delivered as `Char '\DEL'` instead of `SpecialKey KeyDelete` defect normal 1.4.0 Unknown
#1 Add textured polygon code from ANUPlot enhancement normal Rendering
#6 Use the circle prim directly in the Clock example enhancement normal Examples
#12 Graphics.Gloss.Game probably shouldn't export Graphics.Gloss.ViewPort. defect normal Unknown
#14 The points given by EventMotion and EventKey disagree defect high Unknown
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.