Custom Query (16 matches)


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Owner: (none) (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#32 Spurious "Invalid Operation" errors under Windows 7 64-bit defect normal 1.8.0 Unknown 1.7.0
#33 GLUT doesn't return correct KeyPad events under Linux / XMonad defect normal 1.8.0 Unknown 1.7.0
#34 Add alpha to bitmap Picture constructor enhancement normal 1.8.0 Rendering 1.7.0
#38 Remove Num Point orphan instance, or at least shift it to a different module. enhancement normal 1.8.0 Unknown 1.7.0
#39 Better docs for mixColors defect normal 1.8.0 Unknown 1.7.0
#40 When running gloss in GHCi, pressing esc should go back to the GHCi prompt. defect normal 1.8.0 Unknown 1.7.0
#4 Add commands to run/stop and single step simulation mode. enhancement normal User Interface
#11 Do something about non-convex polygons defect normal Rendering 1.3.0
#27 Eq instance is not compatible with Monoid instance for Picture defect normal Unknown 1.5.0
#28 Tweak semantics to emphasize algebraic interpretation enhancement normal Unknown
#29 Add a gloss-raster wrapper to inspect an image without animation. enhancement normal 1.8.0 User Interface
#30 gloss-fluid example stutters on startup defect normal Unknown 1.7.0
#3 Add render option commands from ANUPlot enhancement low User Interface
#8 Add FPS counter / HUD display enhancement low User Interface
#10 add antialiasing enhancement low Rendering
#31 Graceful handling of projection stack overflow. enhancement low Rendering 1.7.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.